Tuesday, May 19, 2009

a long overdue update!

As usual I have been negelecting this blog. I really do have intentions of keeping up with it but I just get so busy...being a single mom of 4 drains me most days.

I am still busy with our new Quail. I love having them and watching how fast they grow. We have also started to get eggs from the 1 mature hen we have. They are delicious eggs...taste like a fresh chicken egg and are bite size so you just pop the whole thing in your mouth. A great high protein snack!

We went back to Great Wold Lodge a few weeks ago..had a great time and Caroline LOVED the baby waterslides. She couldn't get enough of them.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Goodbye Stuart

Again...I can't believe how long it's been since I posted. My life just seems to get away from me.
The past week and a half has been difficult. I lost a dear friend, Stuart. This man was someone that I met 10 yrs ago...we dated off and on for a few years but just were better friends than more. His passion was writing. He wrote countless poems and stories...his greatest desire was to be published. Stuart was a teacher...devoting many many years to the underprivelidged children of West Haven. He was someone that I knew I could count on day or night anytime and he would be there. This mans heart was huge and he spent years and years caring for his ill father...refusing to put him in a nursing home. Stuart did it all...at home. He even had a Hoyer lift to help get his dad in and out of bed each day. His life revolved around caring for his dad. Sadly, his father died last September. Stuart was diagnosed with kidney failure just 2 months later...he never had the chance to live HIS life. The peritoneal dialysis made him feel worse. His stomach was so bloated and he struggled for just a simple breath most of the time. Stuart and I had lunch, 2 weeks before he passed. He called me that morning on my cell as I drove to his house...said he just didn't feel good and wanted to cancel. I told him I was on the way and I am coming. He needed to get out of the house. I am so thankful, I still went ...not knowing that was the last time I would see him alive. I am thrilled he got to meet Carolyn and show her one of his favorite places....Savron Rock. It's a beautful place...on the beach in New Haven. I have a great picture of the 2 of them. Stuart said he looked like a bum in this picture. He certainly did not look like himself....face all bloated from the steroids he was on...belly bloated from the massive infection brewing that he didn't know about...the infection that killed him. Skin pale...but he was smiling. He always was able to smile and got a big hug from Carolyn that day when we said goodbye.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Random catch up

Wow...I can't believe its been a month since i posted. I do honestly intend to post more often but the itme just runs away from I guess. Follwing are 2 quotes that I received in an e-mail the other day. I really like them and find them to be comforting.

'To get something you never had, you have to do something you never
did.' When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing
you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better.

'The will of God will never take you
where the Grace of God will not protect you.'

Here are some random pictures of stuff over the past month:
Devin playing drums at my friend Sue and Croce's house.

We buy blocks for our children why??? Stacking cat food cans is much funner. Carolyn did this all by herself!

I knew we had mice outside. Last year they cost me 700 bucks in car repairs from chewing wires. A few weeks ago I needed to move Devins boosterseat in the car and this is what we found underneath....a mouse nest! They had chewed up tissues, chex mix, and even a few army guys for those boring nights in the car. Sorry mice...your nest has been vacuumed up....you still have a few pretzels in the glove compartment though.

This what a subway sandwich looks like pureed. Peter;s mouth was sore due to an adjustment on his braces and he couldn't eat it whole so he put in in the blender. The smell was enough to make me nauseaus and the funny thing is...this glass was only a little over half way full but it sat on his desk and the next day had expanded to the top of the cup. He didn't end up "drinking" his sandwich.

This is what happens to a sandwich that is left in a backpack for months...just gross Logan!

More later.....I hear a little girls voice yelling MAMA over and over again. Time to get up!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

The belly laugh

Devin has this wonderful ability to make Carolyn laugh. He just makes silly noises and she cracks up. Here is a short clip of her belly laugh.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Finally...a visit from the tooth fairy!

Well, it hasn't been quite a month yet so a shorter hiatus this time. I really truely think of my blog daily but just don't get around to doing anything with it. Its late so this will be a short post...

Logan finally lost his first tooth a couple of weeks ago. He was 7 in Sept. so has been wanting to lose a tooth for a long time! It must be genetic because Devin was 7 and half before he lost his first one. The toothfairy managed to get here the second night. She is a busy person and just couldn't fit us into the schedule that first night!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Wow! I knew I was neglecting my blog but didn't realize it had been quite as long as it has been. Life has been busy her, as usual, and while I have thought many many times to post I just haven't.

Its been so long I don't know where to start...

Halloween...we went to my best friend Lisa's place...the girls were so cute. It was fun...the boys had a great time. Carolyn attends a tumblin tikes class once a week so the wek of Halloween, the kids all wore their costumes...they were so cute. Devin helped carved the pumpkins...Peter put one of the pumpkins over his head...and Carolyn stood in the pumpkin...LOL

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Don't even know his name

This is the newest addition to Holy Angels Hospice Orphanage in Haiti. This is the orphanage that Peter and I visited on our mission trip. He has Hydrocephalus. Pray for this little guy!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Yea Peter!

Copy and paste following link to see the article in the paper featuring Peter. I can't seem to get it to link. I'm so proud of him!


Monday, September 15, 2008

Union Brother Singers

Last night we went to see the Union Brother Singers. They performed at our church. They are a group of guys from Haiti who use the money they raise from selling their CD'S and t-shirts to help kids in Haiti. The concert itself is free. Peter and I saw them in Haiti also so it was great to see them again. A great bunch of guys who are all brothers or cousins. They engage the audience in their music as you can see. Peter volunteered to "help" and is the 5th from the left. His buddy Cody is 3rd from the left. Our pastor, Stephanie is on the far right and 2 away from her on the right is Cody's brother Nick. They all had a great time.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Carolyn loves cows...or at least the sound they make. She is actually terrified of the real thing. Whenever we mention the word cow she makes her Mr. Bill face and tries to make a MOOOO sound. She has gotten more accurate since this video was taken.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

She's 1! Happy Birthday Carolyn!

Carolyn turned 1 on the 24th. Here she is opening presents:

She is a baby addict and this was her reaction when she saw the baby in the gift bag.

Here she is with her new baby...such a girl! She practically jumps out of the shopping cart in the store when we go down the baby aisle.

We had her party on the 30th and here is her cake.....notice the squished part in the lower right hand corner.....then see the next picture and you'll find the squished part.

This required a bath at Grammy's before we headed home

Here she is with her friends in the pool

opening presents again.....yes, she got another baby!

relaxing with Uncle Joe as mommy cleaned up.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Homeschool Song

A friend sent this to me and I thought it was great! Since we are a homeschooling and public schooling family, I see both sides of the equation...enjoy!

The Homeschool Song

I Will Survive (the first year of homeschooling)
Originally written and produced by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris
Originally performed by Gloria Gaynor
Mercilessly altered with apologies by Natalie Criss
============ ======== ============ ======

First I was afraid
I was petrified.
Kept thinking I could never teach
'Cause I'm not certified.
But we spent so many nights
Reteaching homework that was wrong.
I grew strong,
so now I teach my kids at home!
We study math
and outer space.
I just kept on despite the fear
with a big smile across my face.
I bought a set of Base Ten blocks.
I bought books with answer keys.
My parents think we're nuts,
but they don't even bother me
Come on, let's go walk out the door.
We're on the road now,
'cause we're not home much anymore
My friends would laugh and say we'd be unsocialized.
I heard one mumble
that I'd give up by July.
Oh no, not I!
I will survive!
As long as I know how to read
I know we'll be alright.
I've got all my life to learn.
I've got energy to burn.
and I'll survive.
I will survive.
It took all the strength I had
not to fall apart.
Decided to attend
a play date at the local park,
and I met oh so many moms
who offered eagerly to help.
They used to cry.
Now they hold their heads up high,
and so do we!
My kids are cool!
They're not those chained up little people
stuck inside at school.
So if you feel like dropping by
and just expect us to be free
you'd better call ahead first
'cause we're probably busy

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The inside out Egg

I hardboiled some eggs last week and one of them has a crazy transformation. The inside was completely hollow and the yolk had formed a closing at the top of the egg. Pretty cool!